More students this School Year 2022


Written by admin

More students this First Term of School Year 2022

People were a bit afraid with the entry of January 2022 because of the threat of the Omicron virus.  Many were getting sick.  So MIC planned to have two classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon for all departments, except Kindergarten.  But as the first day began, many students came in the morning, especially in the Primary department.  And there were many new students who came from other schools.

After a week, it was clear that parents and students prefer to come only in the morning in the primary but not in the high school since they followed morning and afternoon classes.  That might be good since the high school students have grown big and even there, the enrollee's increase.

This is a good sign for MIC, that the enrollees increased and many were optimistic that the virus will not be that potent this year. 

So at the end of January, data were collected and have shown that more than 50% enrollees happened in the Kindergarten, 18% plus in the Primary, and about the same also in the High School.

Congratulations MIC!  This shows that you’re being eyed now as one of the best schools in Maputo.

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